Cab Heaters are Crucial for Safety

Cab heaters are often seen as a solution for comfort and convenience, but they also play an important role in driver safety in the worst situations. Heating your cab independent of engine function can  save you life in harsh climates, as this driver can attest too:

I was out on a servicing job sometime in the winter, and my engine broke down. It wasn’t super cold out, but it really doesn’t need to be. I called for a tow, and they said it would be a few hours for a pick-up. Thankfully, I had a cab heater, and so that could be kept running without idling the vehicle. A vehicle’s temperature can drop off quickly when it isn’t running - you hear about people being stuck in their car for even just 45 minutes and they have to be sent to the hospital if the weather is bad. I think a cab heater can help with that. I had to wait for about two hours and I just played on my phone.

A cab heater decreases the chances that you will be caught in your vehicle in dangerous climates and be affected by the drop in temperature. While it may seem obvious for drivers who spend nights in their vehicle, even a simple service job can become uncomfortable or even dangerous without a cab heater in the wrong circumstances.

This could be especially dangerous in situations where multiple passengers are at risk when the vehicle is having trouble and shuts down the engine. Passenger transports, school busses, or personal vehicles that are used for carpooling would all benefit from a back-up cab heater

While typically seen as a climate control option designed for driver comfort, there are situations where an independent cab heater becomes an important tool for driver safety, especially in harsh northern environments.


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