3 Perfect Uses for an Espar Heater

: The extensive line of Espar heaters means that, whether you’re using a bunk heater or an engine heater, Espar has a product that can significantly improve your comfort and the quality of your drive. To highlight this, we’re outlining 3 perfect uses for an Espar heater product you may not have considered for your vehicle.

School Buses
School buses and other high-occupancy vehicles are the scenarios for an Espar heater. High-occupancy usually means a large cabin, and a powerful Espar heater can have no issue maintaining a comfortable and safe temperature. In addition, an Espar heater can keep all the occupants at a comfortable and safe temperature in the case that the vehicle is waiting for roadside assistance - you can run the Espar heater without idling the engine, keeping you safe without wasting precious fuel and putting wear on your engine.

Personal Vehicles
In harsh environments, cold starts can be difficult on personal vehicles or contribute to significant and unforeseen delays if you can’t start your vehicle. An Espar engine heater can help you start your engine when you really need it. Whether you're completing a multi-day trip or just heading to a job site, an Espar engine heater preheats your engine with reliable functionality. As well, Espar makes several remote control options, making starting your vehicle from the warmth of your home even easier.

Trucks with Bunks
An Espar bunk heater can significantly improve the comfort of your bunk or cab for long journeys, or even smaller ones. While saving space, you can fit a small D2 Espar heater under the seat of your passenger side and maintain easy temperature control with a dashboard control unit. An Espar heater is more than just a comfort solution, in combination with an Espar engine heater, your vehicle can be fully preheater for you every morning with remote control options, meaning you can start your day and be on the road immediately, saving downtime and unnecessary engine idling.


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